How Can Businesses Improve Employee Engagement?

AdvisoryHR has recently been connecting with Sydney business owners, a common HR trend that has been surfacing is their interest in improving employee engagement.

In today's competitive market for talent, companies are realising that their most valuable asset is not their services but their people. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to the success of the business.

So, how can businesses enhance employee engagement?

In Gallup's business journal, they suggest five practical ways to better understand and increase employee engagement by:

  1. Utilizing employee engagement surveys: finding the right survey that will collect actionable and relevant employee engagement data, anonymously.

  2. Having a holistic approach to change: enabling real change hinges on leaders setting the tone from the top, and managers actively working with employees to recognise barriers to engagement.

  3. Selecting a strong management team: who understand the importance of caring about their people's success, recognising their strengths, valuing their contributions, and actively seeking their feedback.

  4. Holding managers accountable for team engagement: business owners should prioritise the coaching of managers to continuously focus on and take an active role in engaging their employees.

  5. Defining engagement as goals: engagement goals must be defined in everyday and realistic terms and incorporated into daily interactions to help build commitment within the team.

Investing in employee engagement not only benefits the individuals but also leads to increased productivity, higher retention rates, and ultimately, sustainable long-term business growth.

Businesses have the unique potential to transform their employees' time at work into motivating experiences that encourage your teams to tap into their full potential every day.

Develop initiatives to improve employee engagement with the assistance of Human Resources Consultants such as AdvisoryHR.

To learn more, visit the Gallup Business Journal.


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